Delays are not denials. Often when you are striving for something and are met with a ‘No’, it could feel like the Universe is against you. In truth, it is your own internal resistance manifested to show that you aren’t quite as ready as you believe you are. There may be one last thing to learn before the manifestation comes to fruition.
For example, you want to go on a vacation and experience situation after situation that highlights how much you need one. However, you have done nothing to bring it into your reality. There may be perceived obstacles like finances and time off work that you have allowed to stop you from even planning. Then you pity yourself and encourage feelings of being trapped because you can’t see a way out.
How could you say you are ready for the vacation when you have been too scared to even begin looking at what options are feasible for you?
Most tend to have this far-off grand idea of how things should look or be; wanting to jump from the beginning to the end, forgetting there is a middle. The middle is the process and progression of things. In the above example, the middle could be a staycation at a hotel for a couple of days instead of the two-week all-inclusive resort in some faraway country. The experience of creating space to relax, however small, directs the Universe to bring more.
When you stay in a perceived state of stagnation, you are only directing the Universe to give more reasons to stay in that state. A reminder, the Universe responds to feelings, i.e. vibrations and actions, not thoughts of want. So, if you find yourself repeatedly thinking or saying, “I wish” or “I want”, then you will remain there; always wishing and wanting, never experiencing.
When I was seventeen, I wanted so badly to leave my country and explore. I researched and even went as far as to apply for a vocational visa for England. Although the visa was approved, things didn’t quite work out and I was unable to go. At the time I was distraught and frustrated with the process. I was denied something I wanted so badly.
Looking back now I am beyond grateful it didn’t work out. I wasn’t ready to be on my own, alone in a brand-new country. I didn’t even have that much work experience, or a desirable skill, that would support me financially. Had I gone I would have suffered.
That delay was necessary to teach and prepare me for what I was asking for. I eventually did leave my country and the opportunity that presented itself was far beyond my wildest imagination. I got to visit more than fifty-eight countries instead of just one.
I wasn’t denied what I wanted, I was being prepared for something much larger than I initially dreamt. The Universe even brought me a partner to experience it all with. Everything appeared only once I was truly ready. Not ready solely in my mind, but physically and spiritually ready.
How do you know when you have reached that point? It is when your heart focuses on clear outcome and doesn’t entertain any other option. It is a resigned, and somewhat peaceful, feeling that allows you to observe your external environment with a level of detachment because you know where you are headed.
As always courage is required. The next time you catch yourself in a state of wishing and wanting, turn your attention to the simplest thing you can do that can generate positive feelings. Research a flight and dream about what your ideal vacation would be, imagining exactly how it would feel to experience it. Then take small steps that are feasible for you to generate that feeling.
The universe isn’t denying your wish, it is merely preparing you for the best possible outcome. Only if you believe it is being denied, and act as though it is, does it become true. Delays are blessings, and protection, in disguise. View them as such and your whole life will be a better experience.