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How do you define Success?

Humans have been taught that life should follow a specific pattern, and anyone who deviates from that is considered an outcast. Until they become successful, then they are termed pioneers and visionaries. In truth, no one has figured it out, successful people are sought for guidance, but even they had to learn from their experience.

They become teachers, often unwillingly, because they have lived the challenges, setbacks, and lessons themselves to know exactly how to overcome them. You look at those people as how it ‘should’ be, not truly knowing what they have been through to achieve it. Essentially, you are measuring your day one to someone’s day one thousand.

Financial abundance is the most common measure of success. However, success is in the details. You were successful when you had enough money to cover your living expenses this month. You were successful when you consistently saved for the trip you eventually took. You were successful when you said no to an impulse buy.

Caged Mind

A commonality of successful people is their bravery. They push past any fear that arises, remain focus, and show up for themselves and their vision. For instance, I recently went ziplining and although I was afraid to hang upside down from the cable, I did. I was successful because I pushed past my fear and showed myself, I could do anything if I truly wanted. This simple example illustrates that it doesn’t matter what the challenge looks like, fear feels the same.

Although someone’s example of success can be used to learn from, defining what you consider to be success is essential. I define success as freedom. Freedom to express my authenticity, freedom to go anywhere, freedom to do anything, freedom to rest and freedom to love.

With that definition, I can say I am successful now. You are the master of your universe; you can create the life you want, and it starts with the details. You suffer so much more in your mind than you do physically. Most would say that they are limited by time because they don’t get what they think they want when they want it.

A reminder that the Universe gives you what you want when you are truly ready for it. Not when say you are. Everything that happens in between is preparation and alignment, never punishment.

Free from cage mentality.

Success cannot be attained without consistency. A reminder that consistency looks different each day. Remember, you are human and are bound by this human body. A body that can only take so much before it crashes from exhaustion and sickness. So be successful by listening to your body and its signals before they get too loud to ignore.

As always courage is required. Start by noticing and appreciating all the things you are already succeeding at. You will be granted more things to appreciate. Use those small things as bases for defining what success means to you.

Eventually, the Universe will reflect larger and larger examples of your success. You cannot achieve success without already feeling successful. Otherwise, you will remain in a state of always wanting to be successful, never achieving it. A reminder, you cannot live your life in your mind, only through experiences and challenges.

How do you define success?





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