Most have associated the concept of a portal as mythical, something that exists in our imagination reflected only in storytelling. They have been represented visually as magical glowing circular spaces where a person walks through into another dimension or reality. In truth portals exist in our lives but present in very different ways. A portal can be defined as simply an entrance, and a shift in perspective.
Portals are experienced in various ways including a conversation with someone, a rainbow, a literal doorway, a walk in the forest, meditation, a birthday; A visit somewhere you have never been, an activity you have never done, even through videos that provide windows to different countries, homes, and worlds. A shift from one thought to another, one belief to another, the changing of your mind. There are too many versions to list, the Universe has a much better imagination than our human minds can comprehend.
Whatever your mind can create, there is a version of that concept that exists on this planet, in your reality. It likely would not exactly match the image in your mind, but with a little imagination you can begin to recognize the similarities.
For example, a spacecraft flies through the air, and so does a rocket ship or airplane. You might say they are completely different things, but they are this planet’s version of a spacecraft. Around a hundred years ago, a rocket ship didn’t exist in this reality. People then may have thought it was as mythical as you do the concept of portals today.
This realization is useful especially when experiencing feelings of loss of direction or being stuck. Everything is always changing, even if the surface appears the same. You can intentionally create and manifest portals, with your mind, that allow you to shift your perspective. A reminder there is no single perfect way to do anything. Use your path of least resistance, a.k.a. path of most alignment, which looks different for everyone.
A recent visit to Mexico gave me a shift in perspective. I went there for vacation but also to check if it was somewhere I could potentially relocate to. After a few days I acknowledged that whatever I was subconsciously searching for was not to be found there.
Disappointed, sad and lost as to which direction I was meant to go, I mentally created a portal. Hands a few inches apart I felt the energy flowing between them, infusing that energy with love and true honesty, I asked it to take me to where I belong, wherever home is.
The answer came immediately, and as much as I didn’t want to accept it, I did. With absolute trust in my own internal guidance, I changed my mind about somewhere I spent my whole life trying to avoid.
Another lesson here is that in most cases the things you are avoiding or resisting are the things you should pay attention to. They hold keys to greater success than you can imagine if you are brave enough to face them.
As your mind expands and your awareness grows, pay attention to the events and circumstances that show up as coincidences. Remember, coincidences don’t exist, only alignment does. So, use your imagination and creativity to see the magic that exists all around you.
Do it to continue to expand your mind, but also because it’s fun! What else do you see when you look at a rock? Is it just a rock or is it a literal part of the earth beneath your feet, temporarily separated so it could find its way into your hand?
As always courage is required. If you don’t know where you want your portals to take you, start by identifying where you don’t want to go and choose what would be the opposite of that. Especially if the opposite is scary. That’s where true magic lives.