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What is Doubt?


Belief is acceptance in what you align your action with. For example, if you believe it will rain all day, and carry an umbrella in anticipation, you have prepared yourself for something you believe is inevitable. The focus isn’t the preparation but the belief of the rain. The action confirms to the universe that you want a rainy day.

When you act on something even in preventative ways, but your focus is mostly on the outcome you don’t want, you are inadvertently creating that outcome not preventing it. Most expect the worst, forgetting that the unknown also holds the best outcomes. It is unconscious programming that has been running for most of human existence.

You are much more powerful than you are aware. Beliefs become things, therefore what we focus on most is what manifests. With the example above you might say that outside is evidence enough for your belief. A reminder that the outside is a symbolic reflection of your belief and focus. You have the choice to focus on positive outcomes, especially in negative situations.

Belief is the force behind manifestations. With that understanding we can define doubt as the seed of fear to beliefs. Akin to when intuition delivers a delectable morsel of insight or a preview of something that feels wonderful; And your mind immediately follows that nudge with doubt, aka fear, that it won’t come to pass.

Doubt is a seed of fear, which means it doesn’t have to grow. Once you recognize, and treat, doubt as what it is, you can choose to release it and not allow it to influence your actions. Give mental space for your doubt to make itself clear.  Once it does, realize that if the unwanted manifests, other options will present themselves.

For example, you are up for a promotion at work and have done the best you could to prepare. You are not the only person up for the promotion which has seeded doubt in your mind that you will get it. When you mentally play out the feared scenario, you realize that not getting the promotion wouldn’t be the end of the world. Feel your emotions and allow yourself to explore what else is available for you; could even be another job opportunity elsewhere.

This process allows you to release the doubt by knowing no matter the outcome, you are always provided for. If you don’t get what you want, it means there is something much better and more aligned on its way. A reminder, every ‘no’ is the universe redirecting and protecting you.

Fear is a consequence of the unknown but remaining firm in the belief, that you will always reap the positive outcome of any scenario, kills it. You also give yourself some peace while you wait for its unfolding.

The next time you find yourself doubtful, explore it, find out what you believe to be true that doesn’t serve or align with your wellbeing. You don’t have to remain a slave to your old programming. By noticing when you spiral into negative thought processes and beliefs, you can snap yourself out of it by remembering that it doesn’t have to play out that way.

You can choose to believe that doubt isn’t real, and that it doesn’t hold any power over you. With this belief you can shift the focus and energy to the outcome you prefer, and not what you fear will happen. This will most certainly allow you to manifest an enjoyable life experience.

Remember doubt, aka fear, is there to highlight a belief that isn’t true, it isn’t there to point you towards what you are fearing. As always, courage is required. The journey of self-exploration and change is not an easy one. It takes practice and unlearning everything you thought you knew. So, give yourself grace and compassion every day.


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