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What is Spiritual Awakening?


Quite simply, spiritual awakening is an evolution of your conscious awareness. It is where you begin to learn things you didn’t know you didn’t know. You become privy to existential information that influences how you decide to live your life, the decisions you make, and how you perceive your own behavior.

This type of information is not quite learnt through books or videos, though these mediums are useful in assisting you with your interpretation. A general rule is to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You are not obligated to believe everything you read even if you respect the source of the information.

Spiritual awakenings are an individual experience and though some experiences may appear similar, only you are aware of exactly how that experience felt to you. For example, you may come across multiple stories of people having their first experience with Astral Projection aka out of body experiences, where their physical body is ‘sleeping’ but their consciousness has exited and is standing beside it looking.

Door to alternate realities
Door to alternate realities

Psychedelics can act as an open door to conscious awareness. You might come across many stories of people who use these tools to access other worlds. Cannabis, Psilocybin, and others allow the conscious mind to rest, and opens the subconscious for exploration. There, lessons about the oneness of everything physically perceived and depending on your affinity, abilities such as telepathy, psychic visions, and conversations with the deceased may also awaken.

Those who are just waking up struggle with their social conditioning, especially religious beliefs, and this new information. You might think you are crazy in some way because this new information, although it resonates strongly, contradicts everything you have ever been taught. Fear tends to arise, because if you aren’t what you thought, then who are you really? The Universe is way too big and mysterious to assume that everything you’ve been taught is all there is to know.

Spiritual awakenings also occur spontaneously, especially if you have been working on yourself. Overcoming addictions, healing past trauma, and taking honest looks at your life can all be catalysts for spiritual awakenings. Those actions tell the Universe you are ready for more, and ready to embody higher, more aligned versions of yourself. Remember, you are never given more than you can handle. Comparing your journey to someone else's does you a disservice.

Your Higher Consciousness, aka The Universe, your higher self, Oversoul etc., communicates with you during spiritual awakenings. That’s why people who meditate often do so to connect with that of themselves for guidance, insight, and to bring them back to center.

Dare to walk the spiritual path
Dare to walk the spiritual path

My first spiritual awakening knocked me off my feet. It was so profound, there was no way I could look at the world the same way again. It has, and continues, to lead me on a journey of true self-discovery. A chance to embody the best version of myself and live my most abundant life. Once you unlock that part of yourself, there is no closing the door. The process of spiritual death and rebirth, i.e. awakenings, will remain throughout your life.

As always, courage is required. This is not a path many choose because it challenges everything you thought you knew. Sometimes the truth is a tough pill to swallow, but I can guarantee if you decide to swallow it, your life will open in ways you have never known existed.

A reminder, you always have free will. Your Higher Consciousness can show the way, but you must take the steps and follow its guidance for true transformation.


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