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The Present Moment


Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Sometimes our fear around a specific thought or idea can be so loud we can feel overwhelmed. Like the panic you feel when you think about being late for a flight; How if you are late, then you will miss the flight, and you must be at that place for a specific time or not you won’t get that job; and if you don’t get that job then you won’t be able to afford the rent, and then you’d be homeless. You see how your thoughts can spiral from a simple fear?

If you stay in that vibration of thinking, you manifest an experience that is what you don’t want. It may not happen exactly as you pictured it, but the outcome would be similar. While it is important to acknowledge and allow yourself to experience these emotions, it is essential that you move on from them. To stay in them is to act against what your Higher Consciousness knows to be true.

A reminder that fear is your conscious mind’s response to the unknown. It is a messenger, mostly to highlight that not everything may be as it appears. Most people take their cues from what has already manifested. They have little to no awareness that what has already manifested was based on previous thought, therefore, what can be manifested in the future can be deliberately designed through current thought.

The best way to slow and eventually stop that overwhelming or daunting feeling is to bring your attention to the present moment. Intentionally begin to lengthen the breath to allow more air deeply in, feeling your lungs expand. Then begin to observe your surroundings, the room you are in, the color paint on the walls, the sunshine streaming through the window. Then bring your attention to what you are doing, sitting, cooking, talking to someone. Next the physical sensations around you, warmth or coldness, the smell, whatever engages your senses.

The present moment is filled with so many details that we often miss because we are thinking about something either past, or not yet come to pass. We spend more time thinking about how we would feel, than we do actually feeling. Here and now is all we have, even ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’ are lived as ‘today’. There is only Now.

We could save ourselves so much anguish if we just reduced our mental traffic enough to experience life happening around us. Our Higher Consciousness is the conceiver of ideas, our Mind receives those ideas, and our Physical Brain perceives our experiences. In truth, our physical brains have never come up with a single idea. It is here to allow us to perceive and experience life events as they occur.

That is why it is important to quiet your mind from its incessant chatter a few times a day. I call that creating space. That space allows you to understand you are the receiver of the thought and you are not bound by the idea that enters. You can choose to believe the thought or not. To determine if you should believe or not is to question, does it serve you in a positive way to believe it?

For example, does it positively serve you to believe that if you missed a flight then you’d be homeless? The thought itself also carries a vibration that lets you know if it is useful to you or not. A better feeling thought would be to believe that even if you are late, you are taken care of by unseen forces who will ensure your wellbeing.

I implore you whether you are feeling overwhelmed or not, begin to bring more awareness to the present moment. In doing that you will see you are always provided with everything you need for that moment to exist. As always courage is required. What details do you notice in the present moment?


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