One of the purposes of life on earth is to experience the process of things, the process of becoming, the process of achievement, the process of growth, etc. We often wish we could just magically be done with something, like we wish dinner would cook itself, or you could just look at a book and all the information is somehow downloaded into your brain instantaneously.
On another plane of awareness, we already do that. Curiosity led our Higher Consciousness to wonder what it would feel like to experience the stages, the slowness i.e. the process, of achieving even the mundane of tasks. It is not in a hurry; Our human selves are, and it understands that there is time and space for everything relevant to us to get done.
Take a moment to truly envision a time in your life when you had nothing to do for an extended period. I bet after the initial accomplishment of having done everything, you were bored and actively looking for things to do. I mention this to show that although we may think we truly want something, our experience and reaction to things may show otherwise.
Begin to shift the perspective of ‘having’ to ‘getting’ to do things. You get to enjoy the feel of water raining down on you when you shower each day. You get to enjoy the process of using random ingredients to create a meal. You get to witness the transition of a triggering scenario, that once brought you negative feelings, into one that no longer has any or very little emotional impact.
Sometimes we automatically dismiss ideas or concepts for ourselves without giving them deeper thought. Some of us aren’t aware that there is internal mental programming in place that automatically chooses the same feeling thoughts, essentially keeping us from considering anything new or different. Only when we intentionally push ourselves out of our comfort zones, do we open ourselves to completely new opportunities.
For example, a few years ago I hated the idea of returning to any schooling institution because I thought I had passed that stage in my life. However, when it became the only feasible option for me to be able to migrate, I pushed my resistance aside and did what I felt I had to.
After a semester, I noticed the program I was doing would take me nowhere professionally, so I finally considered an alternative. A different program I had been mentally pushing away, even though I was doing well at it, because I thought I didn’t want to go in that direction. What followed was a complete professional and personal life shift. Instead of looking at it as something I had to do, I began looking forward to doing the courses and assignments. I showed myself that I could literally do well at anything I chose to.
Choosing to do a different program, and the perspective shift, coincided with what I later figured out I wanted for myself, a job not related to customer service and that paid more than the minimum. The things I was resisting turned out to be the same things that positively changed my life.
Life on earth includes contrasting experiences meaning that to know what we prefer we sometimes must experience what we don’t. When such an experience manifests into our reality, it is up to us to trust that we are exactly where we need to be. We do not know everything that lies ahead of us; Therefore, it is important to trust that everything that does show up is somehow preparing us for the future.
As always courage is required. If you were to bet on anyone, why not yourself? Pay attention to the things you are resisting, being truly curious about why you are resisting them. Do you think you are keeping yourself safe? Or just comfortable because the alternative is unknown?