Many times, we believe that we should be somewhere other than where we are. Especially when we look around ourselves, knowing and trying for something different and new, but our outside hasn’t significantly changed. Feelings of frustration, depression, and overall gloom take over our minds to the point it exudes from our physical being. Like walking around with a large dark cloud over our heads.
We begin identifying exactly where in our lives would feel better if just this one thing changed. Like if you could just lose that extra ten pounds, then you’d feel better about how you looked. Or if you just won the lottery, how all your problems would go away. Of course, you would experience life in a different way if those things were to happen. However, we must not spend our lives waiting for them to happen in order to begin feeling better.
Life is lived moment by moment, day by day. If you spend each day judging where you are and only seeing all the points you wished were different, before you know it your whole life will pass you by; Without you ever feeling true contentment for where you are. Life is a journey, not a destination, one that will never be completed. You will always be searching for something more, different, and new. It is simply the nature of human existence and not something that we can change about ourselves.
Emotionally, allow yourself to feel whatever is coming up but don’t stay there. Allow it to pass through you with the knowledge that you are headed to a better feeling emotion. Your reality will respond to how you are feeling not what you are thinking. Remain mindful however, that what you are thinking sets the tone for your emotions.
If you have given what you truly want honest efforts, you are showing up daily doing and being the best you can be, then you must trust that you are in the right place at the right time. Begin to purposefully look for all the things that are in alignment with your journey of creating what you want. They are sometimes small, and quieter than misalignments, like someone giving you a compliment about your appearance that day; Or small, unexpected money appearing in your bank account.
Like a train moving in one direction, the momentum of it cannot be stopped instantaneously for it to go another direction. The same is true for our emotions, the momentum of our feelings can only be slowed down first, before it can go in any other direction.
This means if you spend a long time feeling poorly about anything, the momentum gained from those feelings will manifest a misaligned experience. In those cases, we can only hold on for the ride through it. Remember that if a negative experience manifests, it is there to teach us something. Remain curious, not fearful, and you will extract a positive outcome from it.
Feeling stuck is normal even if it isn’t necessarily true. Think back in your life to some points where you felt stuck then remember how things eventually worked out. Every situation, place and feeling you had was there for a reason, and ultimately created the story of the experience. Then think back to some points where everything just seemed to flow easily and effortlessly. What was different about how you were feeling then?
Compare the two and embody the feeling of ease and effortlessness. Feel in your mind and body what that feels like. It will allow the momentum of negative feelings to begin to slow and head in that more positive direction, ultimately leading you to feeling unstuck.
A reminder that courage is always required. Trust is paramount; However, it is up to you to decide where you put that trust. The Law of Attraction is unbiased and does not know what you don’t prefer. It simply brings you what you focus on, so focus your attention on the good things in your life and more will appear.