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When I was little someone showed me a map of the world. I remember zeroing in on British Colombia saying that if I ever got to live abroad it would be there, simply because I liked how it sounded. Fast forward many years, and British Colombia became my home.

When I was a teenager, I spent endless hours researching and dreaming about travelling the world. Many times, frustrated about how I was going to achieve it. At age twenty-two I began a six-year journey working on cruise vessels that took me around the world.

As an adult, I struggled with what direction my life was headed. Did I want to be a mother, a career woman, a homeowner? What would be the cost of achieving those things and were they even worth it? Would I be happy? Those questions led me to think outside the box, the proverbial box society as a whole has accepted as the proper course for life.

The answers to those questions led me on a self-discovery journey I didn’t know I needed. I have since discovered many talents I otherwise wouldn’t have known I possessed. I have met some truly wonderful people, some so different to me, but all full of genuine love. By trying new things, I was able to learn about what I prefer, instead of just wondering. Most of all, I have found peace in the journey of becoming.

I mention all these things because at one point or another, you wanted something you eventually got. You may even be currently living a life you only dreamt about years ago. In the pursuit of happiness, rarely do you pause and reflect on how far you’ve truly come, and how much you’ve grown. Could your child-self ever dream you’d be doing the things you are now? Would they be amazed?

You are not who you were last year, last week, or even yesterday. Yesterday you may have overdone it on your sugar intake, but today you made a conscious effort to not eat any at all. Last week contrasting experiences may have led to a decision to be more intentional about how you spend the week nights.  This week you specifically created space for relaxation and connection. Last year you may have wanted a vacation, this year you have one booked.

I implore you to create space for reflection on your life’s journey. Compare who you were and what you wanted then, to who you are and what you have now. Self-Reflection can be used in two ways, to criticize yourself or to see how much you have grown. The latter leads to a deep sense of gratitude for your life’s journey.

Every experience you’ve had played a role in who you are today. That includes the ones you may not be so proud of. Look back at your own life story with a kind heart and compassion for the amazing person you used to be. The one that made the best decisions they could with what they knew. The sensitive one that made deep connections with people that left imprints on your heart. The vulnerable one that expected people to treat you the way you did them. The bold one that stood up for yourself and said no when you truly meant it. The brave one that did the big scary things that changed the trajectory of your life.

There are so many versions of you, some you have already been and others you have yet to meet. In reflecting on yourself and your journey, give those older, maybe not as wise, versions of yourself love. You were doing your best with what you had, and that’s all you can ever do. Then, get excited about the versions you haven’t met yet.

Life is a continuously unfolding story, full of plot twists, surprises, scares, peaks and valleys. Flow through your life story, knowing that you get to decide the direction. Express gratitude for the parts that you already experienced, and look ahead with hope, optimism and trust. What do you see when you reflect with compassion?


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