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A Life of Contrasts ~ Understanding Polarity


In the Barbie movie, Barbie lived the same day over and over every single day. Eventually becoming unhappy and began to question her existence. In the movie, the day in her life looked perfect to her. Happy all the time with friends, basic needs taken cared of, and just with no worries or strife. To me it looked boring! Who wants to live the same life over and over again? Even Barbie herself got bored and began to question her life fulfillment.

I mention this to point out that life without contrasts is simply boring. People who say they have achieved ‘the dream’ often self sabotage. They aren’t always consciously aware that the self sabotaging frequently stems from boredom.

It is important that you accept that life on earth is a life of contrasting experiences.

We each have an agreement, a contract of sorts, with the being called Earth. Earth also has this agreement with what would be considered dark or negative humans. When you see a tree cut down, understand that the earth agreed to it and allowed it. When you see injustice, understand that there must be balance in everything. It is impossible to accept the ‘good’ without the ‘bad’. When you decide to have a relationship with someone, you are signing on for their positive AND negative traits. One does not exist without the other.

It is imperative that you understand there is no good verses evil. Only good AND evil. No positive verses negative. Only positive AND negative. No light verses dark. Only light AND dark. This contrast exists all around us.

In order for one to exist, the other must also exist. In order to see the light there must be darkness, and in order to see the darkness there must be light. One is not created without the other. For example, during the day when the sun is shining you are unable to see the stars, the sun’s light dominate. In contrast, during the night the sky lights up with the moon, galaxies, and stars. The darkness illuminates the light.

This can help you accept the darker parts of your personality and allow you to have more compassion for yourself. You are both, light AND dark.

How does this information serve you practically?

For moments when you feel stuck and don’t know where you are headed in life; Contrasts allow you to identify what you do not want, what seems ‘dark’ to you. This is the best thing and a great way to begin!

In determining what you do not want, what you do want begins to take form. In your knowing of what you do not want, you begin to craft a perspective of what you do want. For instance, in knowing you do not want to live in a cold place, automatically identifies that you prefer a warm place.

Knowing about contrasts also allows you to detach from a perceived negative situation. It will remind you that if there is negative, there is also positive. It will allow you to identify the positive in the situation. When you identify the positive, then you can use it to gain the outcome you want.

A car we had up for sale was hit and damaged before we could sell it. This was perceived as a negative situation at the beginning. However, we remained humbled and awaited the positive outcome. The person who damaged the car was honest and initiated insurance procedures. It worked out that the insurance company ended up paying us more for the damaged car than we would have gotten had we sold it before the damage.

This example is just to show you, you have control of what you experience. What you focus on will become your reality. Our human self never knows the ‘how’ of the manifestations, only that they are on their way. Don’t block them by focusing on the negative. Remember there is positive in the situation, remain curious, and allow the positive result to manifest.

How can you use Light and Dark to create in your world?


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