We all have experiences where we know things are about to change in a major way for us; but the outside still looks the same. This is the transitionary period, the stage where life as we know it begins to fall apart, sometimes with our knowledge, most times without. Like when work starts to become uncomfortable and dissatisfying, or the landlord suddenly gives a notice to vacate.
This can be an emotionally intense period, especially because it is the unknown. You can get trapped in the feelings and emotions of powerlessness; Consistently thinking about not knowing what to do next and focusing on how everything is falling apart around you. This is commonly referred to as a ‘pity-party’.
A reminder that in order for something new to take shape, space must be created for it. In order for you to start a new job, you have to let go of the old one, same with an apartment or house. In order for you to welcome more financial abundance you first must let go of the belief of scarcity. For you to gain more courage or patience, you must use the opportunities that present themselves to exercise courage and patience.
This is simply said but of course may feel more challenging to execute. We can keep asking “why is this happening to me?” or we can recognize that we have been asking for change, and this is how the Universe responds. It is up to us to decide if we want to continue with our usual reaction to these situations or do something different.
It is important to note that if we choose our usual reaction, we are in effect choosing the usual outcome. We will continually find ourselves in situations where we feel powerless. However, when we choose to do something different, the Universe will respond with diverse outcomes, most times unexpected, but all fulfilling in some way.
It takes a strong level of mental fortitude to be able to stop the incessant mental chatter when emotions are high. However, it is a crucial step if we want to gain clarity and release that powerless feeling. We are not powerless; In fact, we are way more powerful than we acknowledge.
Understand the Universe is not working against us, it is working for us.
When we remain curious instead of negatively judging, we are able to extract a positive outcome from an experience. However, if we remain in the ‘pity-party’, then only the negative outcome can manifest. Simply because that is where all the focus has been. Remember we don’t manifest what we want, we manifest what we focus on most.
To have an easier and smoother transition period, express and feel your emotions but don’t remain a prisoner to them. Create mental space by tuning in to the present moment a few times a day to quiet the chatter. Trust yourself and the Higher Power that is at work here, letting go of any resistance you feel. Find small things that made you smile during the day, and intentionally enjoy the final stages of you being in the place that you are in. All the while holding on that calm feeling and sense of ‘knowing’, that lives underneath all the strong emotions, that everything is working out for you.
That impending change you sense, even if it may not be what you prefer at the time, is guiding you toward something meant for you. We are always exactly where we need to be at any moment. It is up to us to look around and acknowledge why we are there. For example, being in a place of work that you prefer not to be, but recognizing the benefits the place offers are exactly what you need.
As always, courage is required. The only true constant in the world is change, which is uncontrollable. What we can control is our reaction to it. We can enjoy being where we are as much as we can, while looking forward with excited curiosity instead of anxious resistance. Transitions are a natural part of life, so be intentional about how you choose to experience them.